Conflict of Interest for Professionals

It seems like we hear of conflicts of interest with increasing frequency these days.

But what exactly is a conflict of interest? How would I know if I had one? And if I did, what could I do about it? This course is exactly what you need to answer those questions.

The course covers such topics as:

  • What is “conflict of interest”?
  • Types of Interests
  • Conflict of interest principles
  • Dealing with conflicts of interest
  • Identifying conflict of interest
  • Disclosure
  • Conflict of interest policies

This course is perfect for people who took a general ethics course as a re-certification requirement several years ago and are now looking for a different ethics course to meet the current cycle's requiremements.

The course is available in On Demand (meaning you can access the course whenever you want) and Instructor-Led versions. In both courses, we go over the issues above through a combination of lecturettes and case studies.

Successful completion of both is based only upon a final quiz.

Both courses are approved by the BCRSP as meeting their requirements for registration maintenance.

On Demand Course ($25 CAN)

The On Demand course uses a combination of handouts, lecturattes and case studies to guide you through the material. The course is modular, allowing you to go at your own pace. We estimate that the average student can complete the material in about 2.5 to 3 hours.

The course is designed to give you all the tools you need to address conflict of interest within your porganization.

Successful completion of this course is based upon a final quiz.

You can sign up for the On Demand course here.

The URL for the actual On-Demand course is here.

Instructor-Led Course ($125 CAN per student)

The instructor-led live course is usually offered through Teams, allowing greater flexibility for course timing while reducing your travel costs. Unlike other instructor-led ethics courses which spread the content over days or weeks, this course is offered as one 3.5-hour live session. This allows you to get the same content in a much shorter time frame.

The course is highly interactive with frequent opportunities for discussions and questions. 

Successful completion of this course is based upon a final quiz.

You can sign up for the Instructor-Led course here.